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Millissa Riffle, Broker

Millissa Riffle, Broker
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    Say hi to Millissa – and you’ll be sure to be greeted warmly and enthusiastically in return!

    Millissa Riffle is Adept Real Estate’s marketing assistant. She began in the real estate industry as a property manager in the greater Seattle area, and then became Shannan’s personal assistant, providing support and quickly learning to love and thrive in a fast-paced work environment. Millissa’s experience as a property manager further deepened the importance of ‘home’ and ‘community’ for all, and with a forever thirst for knowledge, she became a licensed Broker in 2019. Always striving to “do more, be more, and give things her all,” she then began fine-tuning her marketing skills to enhance listings and increase their exposure. Millissa has always had an eye for art and detail, and if you’ve seen Adept Real Estate’s graphics and beautifully-presented posts on social media, that’s Millissa – so go give them a ‘like!’

    She is married to the love of her life, is mom to 2 busy boys, and in her free time loves to play video games, birdwatch, take her boys fishing, and perfect her french macaron recipe. Her passion for excellence, determination to succeed, and desire to bring those around her to the fullest of their potential are evident to everyone who has the privilege of knowing her.

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